Saturday, October 27, 2018

smaller endoscope walls

E-paper like principle, but instead of black/white bubbles:  large +, small -.  The bubbles (or not chemically interactive molecules) will move to charges wires bending the worm-skin-like structure.
Such composition could be the thinner than air-liquid bubbles.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

dandelion parachute

This article inspired me of a possible new type of parachute:

"According to the researchers, the dandelion's seeded form is four times more efficient in maintaining altitude than a human-made parachute.
Remarkably, the air bubble is actually made more stable as air flows through it. "

It could be worth trying of such parachute design:

Spring-unfoldable rim (like you might see on baskets) form a set of rings (to prevent fabric collapsing).  Set of straps keep the v (or better U) shape and the slits allow air to go through to stabilize the air bubble.
The number of "circlechutes" should be more than three and probably an internal extra ring or diagonal X bars to support the U shape is also needed.

It doesn't look drastically better than existing parachutes, however, some aspects (if it works at all) could be in use:  more stable descent or more precise in windy conditions, smaller visible area, where an initial mass of the system is not critical (military, or rescue in dense landing).
Not sure about mass-to-value (mass is very critical) for rockets, but could be also worth thinking as an extra saver for 1st stage descent  (the rims with split fabric located around the trunk) or rocket cowl (inside):

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

bend ion thruster

This article about  space junk Two-way ion thruster
Schematic of a magnetic nozzle rf plasma thruster (helicon plasma thruster

raised a question:
why not curve both plasmas - the energy lost for bending the beams could be less than one direction :

The coil could be used as a magnet to pull debris into the mesh (or less likely to use mesh as a bouncer)...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

ionized mesh - small comment

Brilliant findings - ionized mesh to glue the water.


An image with a caption of: Lab-scale prototypeAn image with a caption of: Schematic of dome collector

I see your work may extend to evaporative home coolers and maybe the water desalination without vapor at all.

As a small suggestion: to prevent big mash and potentially a bit better water capture (due to V not A shape - vapor spreads more evenly = smaller mesh cell).

Side walls (plastic film), water pipes work as structure light support. Electric mesh V shape helps vapor to slide inside).

Monday, October 22, 2018

Phone Microscope

Again Dyson candidate's work analysis:

cheap microscope to help against malaria

Looks promising for malaria blood testing. They claim to make this product cheap. Could be, but to me looks not easy enough:  phone disassembly, Motorolla specific phone (= to by an extra phone), looks like use only one type of light, automated sample glass movement. 

It is hard to judge, maybe all this complexity is still needed (compare to 1$ solution), however, I'll make my own 10$ idea:  

Passive lense adapter for 1-2 similar most popular phones on the African market (remember about malaria). 
Two holes: 1 for a camera, 1 for the flash.  On top sliding color filters. 
Flash reflectors spread the light from the phone flash more evenly. 
Fixed optimized for the distance lens (or several of them) - the phone is pressed firmly to the top. 
On the bottom: slot for sample glass (or film)  with a hook to rotate the sample. 
The glass is on the angle to make a slight 3d rotation. 
The idea of work:  A person with a popular not expensive android phone put the phone on top of the adapter, the semple to the slot. There are 2-3 positions of sample rotation (bottom) and 3-4 filters.   The app asks to make 6-12 pictures to the cloud (more pictures, much easier for an AI algorithm to detect; color filters create better spectrum like analysis), but I think pre-trained neuron network should work autonomously (with send to the server as an extra option).  
1 picture rotate filter, another rotate position... step by step 12 pictures. 

As a small analysis. There was  another project for malaria (supported by Gates fund):
It also looks a bit sophisticated to be very cheap.  

The red blood cell is about 6 - 8 μm so 130x lens enlarge into 1mm.  
(good comparison 
video Blood on 1000x Microscope HD 1080p

Hence a cheap Chinese digital microscope + a cheap android phone could make a better deal:
(I don't believe those are 1000x, but 100-200 could be)


Sunday, October 21, 2018

thimble for blind cutt

Another Dyson proposal:

In my opinion, it is not the best solution (for the knife):  it is a special knife, limited cut (the defense will kick back when it lifts up 90 degrees), need to be cleaned (space between defender).

If such a problem really exists for blind people, my solution would be like this:

Silicone thimble for one or two fingers with a small hole for finger tip (to make one feel the edge of the loaf) S shape sliding edge for quick safe chopping (with metallic cap).  Easy to wash, cheap.
(the knife is a common one).

Didn't check may something like this already in use for common chopping. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Bio-plastics safety Mark

Another Dyson candidate

The idea is clear and very needed, however, I would argue much more safety is essential.

I think that 2 months is too quickly, we jeopardize yourself to eat with contaminated cutlery (don't expect fast and on time shop delivery and consumption  ~gangrene).   More studies needed my personal opinion 2-4 years before the beginning of the degradation (ocean life actually can consume even current plastic (before 80 years), but it's still an issue).
So a simple indicator to show it started to rot is needed as a standard:
My proposals are to have standardized thin layer which will work as a fuse (of to add stimulators to promote visual results):
1 A thin layer with a catalysator drop, 2 Just thin 3  Mesh-like structure with large surface exposure. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

plastic cap with a straw

Looking through the Dyson award list, wanted to comment some ideas:

SIP is an all-in-one product that merges a conventional paper cup, a straw, and a cap into one design reducing their environmental impact.

First of all even though paper is degradable, it has more mass = requires more energy to produce (don't forget you need to hold water). 
Second, there are starch plastics not only in 2018 award
, but the whole lot of type of bioplastics (we just need to promote them more).

However, the design cap + straw is still useful to prevent small littering.  So, here is my improved solution:

Made of bioplastic, round shape (keep the form better), with glued to the wall half circle straw.  On top of the cap bend, the straw makes the full circle and makes a double bend with zigzag - origami common straw shape and then bends around on a half the rib of the cap ( zigzags are more frequent inside to bend in a circle).   On side of the cap, there is a bend in the wall to make a room for stacking caps together (the shift should be not symmetrical to make caps rotate on an angle to make the stuck more stable and locate more straws).  

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

emergency extra breath diy

This interesting device inspired me to

share one thought


In emergency-CPR we breathe into our own exhaled gases. It acceptable, since there still some oxygen left, but I am sure the fresh air will perform much better.

1 So such a device could be easily be updated to be such a pump (but I think work that way by itself).
However, I assume we don't have time and devices when most needed. So, it could be a good idea to try your own vacuum: just suck up fastly all the air from the patient, but don't forget to put some cloth between your mouths (to prevent the danger for yourself). It could be combined with two people approach: 1st  do the Heimlich 2nd sucks.

2 When we do CPR, and there is a second person to help we could inhale every second breath with fresh air by "bagging":
Inflate a plastic bag, hold it to the mouth and push into the mouth. A cut bottom off plastic cup could help to keep the shape. That method of cause needs to be tested and trained...

Inhale 21%, exhale 13-16% oxygen. Maybe not that much. Than quick double breath just before blowing could increase chances a bit.


Monday, October 8, 2018

mirror cameras 2

I am still surprised why there are no 'one side' phone cameras over there.  
To provide bezel-less screen we may see lifting up, sliding front cameras (OPPO Find X, Xiaomi’s Mi Mix 3) and  3-4-5-9 back cameras  ( Nokia 10 , Light {rumors})

 nokia 10 multi lensmulti-camera smartphones

More cameras make multi-focus possible (like new apple, after short bokeh and so on).  However, the selfy market is poorly served (and no 360 on the phone yet). 

I believe those proposals geometrically archivable and can satisfy better the market.  
The cylinder-like (or cone at the bottom) lenses located on top of the phone. Inside of the body, the mirror redirects the light down.  A small motor rotates the whole camera to the front or back direction. One of the lenses could be 360. There could be more than 3 of them, they may be directed in opposite direction for a better 360 view (and different shape, to provide the same after shot focus).    The visible part of the lenses could be as small as the "eyebrow" we have now. 

(sensers and voice exit between onmidirectional lenses)

Another approach to avoid movable parts: if two side lenses with a filter like shadowing screen (to light through only one side) and mirrors redirect the light to the common matrix (it will be bigger to digitally compensate distortion). 
(the matrix should be turned more on diagonal).  Two pairs (by two side-lenses) could be used to compensate some light penetration and 90 degrees turned window (. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

honeycomb affordable prosthetic

Looking onto MIT affordable foot design 
Affordable Prosthetic Appendages
and some other attempts to make an adjustable limb, 
Adjustable Developing Nation Prosthetics

 I believe there could be a better, cheaper (less metal, fewer parts), more universal (better adjustable) approach:
Silicon only (or insertable L like springy metallic stem, if not enough)  high boot like shape with a cut to adjust the width and tall enough to cut out the extra hight, with a set of insertable u-like silicon cushions. The Michlin (*typo) like honeycomb structures should be soft and springy enough to mimic natural foot.
Картинки по запросу honeycomb tires 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Push pull door handles

Quite a simple idea, so I think it was done by someone. Still could be a good practice of UCD (
User-Centered Design). On the public doors where there are many people, it is wise to message how to open with the first attempt.    The uncomfortable shape could provide a hint and hopefully later become a standard.